In this tutorial, you will find a way to use MySQL commands without passing passwords as a command line parameter or password prompt. This is helpful for using MySQL commands in a shell script, or configure MySQL/mysqldump cronjobs without passing password.

  1. Create a .my.cnf file in users home directory from which command or script to ~/.my.cnf and add the following content to this file. Change username and password as per your system configuation.[mysql] user = myuser password = secret [mysqldump] user = myuser password = secret 2. Now secure the newly created configuration file.chmod 600 ~/.my.cnf 3. All done. Lets test the setup. I have used the following commands to verify the above configurations. First commands will allow you login to mysql server without prompting password and second command will backup all your databases without password.mysql -h localhost -u myuser mysqldump -h localhost -u myuser –all-databases > alldb.sql You can use commands in any shell script or schedule crontab for backup. You don’t need to specify MySQL user password in script or command.